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5 Must-Haves For Enterprise Business Solutions in 2022

It seems that every month a new piece of tech, peripheral, or software comes along and changes the enterprise business landscape for the better. We are living in a world where the tech sector is driving innovation and efficiency, which creates a world where enterprise business solutions are consistently evolving.

As a result, businesses are becoming more reliant on technology, and it is becoming the foundation of most modern businesses. That isn’t touching on the fact that tech is becoming integral to the functioning of our modern society.

Be it a simple time logging system for a small hotel to a full-scale data centre that requires server tech, here are some must-haves for SMBs and SMEs in 2022

Don’t Skimp On Communication

Communication is key. And while that phrase gets thrown around a lot in team meetings and training seminars, it is a go-to phrase because it’s true. Without proper communication, the efficiency of your SMB or SME will be hindered quite significantly.

With hybrid work-from-home models becoming more prominent in all fields, now is an excellent time to implement the structures that will make communication easy and seamless no matter if you plan to move to a flexible working model or not. Even in-house, having streamlined digital communication can prevent confusion between departments and keep company-wide communication visible for all.

That’s where tools like Slack and ClickUp come into play.


Slack is a digital application that can help you organise your teams around projects and set up chat channels for members of your organisation.

It is purely a communication app but has the capacity to have chat rooms for different departments, groups of people, and projects. Aside from the chat functionality, Slack can also handle sending files to channels and other team members.

This is particularly useful for keeping inter-departmental chat structured and can go a long way into getting rid of any miscommunications between similar projects.


ClickUp is a similar tool to slack in that it can facilitate communication but acts as more of a digital project management software. On ClickUp, you can create boards based on projects, check-lists, add time tracking to tasks, colour code, and even upload files for easy file sharing.

Think of it as an all-purpose tool for digital project management.

Use Tech To Save Your Capital

When it comes to the must-haves for businesses and enterprises, nothing is more must-have than additional capital. Having money saved is essential to help prop up your business prospects against potential unforeseen events and circumstances.

Nothing is worse than stepping through the threshold to the office to find an additional bill looming on the doormat.

With that in mind, here are some tech improvements you can make to help your SMB or SME save.

Get Your Water Metre And Electricity Metre Calibrated 

Even if you have a state-of-the-art setup for both your water and electricity metre, having them calibrated annually is a good habit to get into. The metres themselves may not have anything wrong with them but making sure is always a safe bet.

They are, after all, machines, and machines can become less efficient over time.
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Cut Down On Outsourced Data Storage

For digital-based SMEs and SMBs, data storage is a necessary expense. But if you are the kind of operation that will be using an abundance of storage for your day to day, paying another company for all your storage needs can get expensive.

Investing in your own in-house storage solutions can be a step in the right direction to save you on costly monthly hosting spending.

But having your own data storage in-house can come with a lot of perks, such as more autonomy and control over your data as well as how that data is secured.

Taking it a step further and you could even host an internal server for your operation’s own use to serve this data to different machines on your internal network.

An Optimised Website 

Your website acts as your digital handshake. When a customer or client clicks through onto your website, it is important that:

These three factors are vital to obtaining and keeping your customers engaged in what you are selling, be it a service or a product.

Investing a portion of your business or enterprise development fund into aspects such as search engine optimisation, website UX development, and website hosting can all help you stand out from the crowd.

After all, if a customer can’t find your business, they can’t spend.

Stay In The Loop

Being in touch with how the digital landscape is changing is of paramount importance when it comes to developing your enterprise or business right along with it.

Stay informed and stay in the green!

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