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5 Tips to Get More Organic Website Traffic

Businessman hand writing Web Traffic graph with red marker on transparent wipe board, business concept.

Did you know that 64% of small businesses have their own online website? This is a great way to build an online presence as the digital world grows just as big as the real world!

Whether you’re looking to sell your product or want to start a popular blog, driving traffic to your blog is essential. However, you’ll want to avoid websites that promise to provide website visitors for a price. Instead, attracting organic website traffic will be the most beneficial for your brand.

If you’re looking to learn how to attract visitors to your website, you’ll want to keep reading for some of the best tips and tricks.

  1. Use the Best Keywords

When you search for something on google, the words you use will yield relevant results. The sets of words you type in the search bar are keywords, as search engines scour the web for websites that feature the phrases you’ve searched.

Knowing what keywords can attract the most visitors to your blog is crucial! You’ll want to narrow down the words people use the most when searching for the topic you’re writing about.

There are various types of keywords, both long- and short-tailed. Knowing the difference can help you yield the most visitors to your website.

Short keywords are often two words and tend to be more generic. Long-tailed, on the other hand, are three or more words. Long keywords are more specific and yield a smaller pool of results, meaning they are great for your business.

  1. Post Regularly

As with anything, you’ll want to ensure that you’re consistent with what you do. This includes blogging on your digital marketing website! Blog posts are a beneficial content strategy as it allows you to discuss topics relevant to your brand or products.

If you write one great blog that attracts a ton of traffic, they’ll likely want to check out the rest of your website. However, if you only have one or two posts, you won’t retain reoccurring visitors because they have no reason to return.

Guaranteeing you regularly post quality content ensures you rank higher on search engines while retaining reoccurring visitors.

However, you’ll want to keep that you should focus on quality over quantity. Don’t just pump out content to say you’ve posted content. Focus on delivering high-quality blogs and content for your site to keep visitors engaged.

  1. Use Your Social Media

In today’s society, social media is one of the most popular forms of media. Nearly everyone has at least one social account, which allows them to stay connected to their favorite brands and companies.

Though it may seem strange to promote yourself on social media, using these accounts to help build a presence and following online is a great way to attract and retain website visitors.

As you build a relationship with your community, you’ll find you can attract a consistent base that regularly visits your website. With so many social platforms to choose from, you can find the best niche for your brand.

Not only does this allow you to reach a wider audience, but it also helps make your content more shareable and accessible. Just be sure not to spam content, as this can make your posts seem disingenuous.

You’ll also want to ensure that you have attached links to your online posts to help entice viewers to click and travel to your website. You’ll also want to ensure that your content isn’t clickbait, as it can discredit your brand.

  1. Remove Poor Content

Sometimes, the things you write may not be as effective as planned. Some content will attract less traffic, and that’s okay! It’s all a part of the process.

However, identifying and removing this underperforming content is crucial to ensuring that your website can attract traffic. Poorly performing blog posts can compromise the rest of your blog. It can reduce your Google rankings, driving less traffic to your post.

Writing for your audience and regularly posting can help drive organic traffic to your website. You can also use a page rank checker to help ensure that the content you’re producing is effective and make any necessary adjustments.

You’ll also want to ensure that your website is up to par and user-friendly. If your site is slow, difficult to navigate, or hard to read, it can decrease your search engine optimization.

  1. Increase Image Use

Though writing and creating quality content is a surefire way to improve engagement on your website, you can up the ante and include images with your written content.

One of the best SEO tips is adding images to your blog posts, as it can help boost your website ranking. When you search specific terms, you may find that your image appears in one of the few preview photos, showing up higher than the link to your website.

Creating your own graphics may seem like a daunting task. However, with plenty of programs that easily help you make the perfect picture, you can increase your SEO ranking in a simple and effective manner.

Why Organic Website Traffic Is Crucial

Though it can be tricky to get the hang of, paying attention to your SEO tactics and search engine ranking are valuable tools to help your brand’s digital presence excel.

If you’re ready to attract organic website traffic to boost your brand, you’ll want to check out the rest of our blog. You’ll find more great business tips and tricks to help you succeed.

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