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7 Ways Technology is Used in Recruitment

Technology has paved the way for a complete workplace transformation; its impact is now felt in every industry – and recruitment is no exception. Over the years, the use of technology in recruitment has enabled recruiters to reach a new height in terms of productivity and efficiency.

1. Recruitment Software

Recruitment software is now a must for recruiters who wish to retain an edge in the talent market. Thanks to the ability to automate tasks such as posting jobs, screening resumes and contacting candidates, this software is an invaluable tool for those looking for a sustainable solution to improving the efficiency of their operations and candidate experience.

These days, most staffing platforms are designed with various features that make the recruitment process easier for agencies and in-house teams. For example, many come with applicant tracking system (ATS) capabilities, which help to keep all of your candidates organized in one place.

Additionally, some platforms offer built-in tools for functions like video interviewing and reference checking – which often take a load of time when done manually.

2. Social media

The popularity of social media platforms among recruiters shows how technology has completely reshaped the market. Aside from job posting, a feature that gives rise to platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter is the ability to screen the best candidates – based on their qualifications and skills. This feature is incredibly convenient for those who are looking to target a specific audience – let’s say, a healthcare staffing agency looking to target candidates who have worked in that sector before or have relevant qualifications.

Additionally, social media provides recruiters a convenient way to keep in touch with candidates after the initial contact. As a result, this contributes to a better candidate experience – and a higher chance of successful placement.

3. Job boards

Job boards are another common way that technology is used in recruitment. Essentially, they are websites where recruiters can post job ads, and candidates can search for jobs.

Thanks to the help of job portals, it becomes much simpler for recruiters to reach out to as many potential candidates as possible. They are also an excellent resource for job seekers looking for new opportunities.

4. Online applications

Online applications help save a load of time for both candidates and recruiters. On the former’s side, they can apply for multiple roles in minutes without filling out lengthy forms each time. Similarly, recruiters can go through a large pool of applications quickly and efficiently.

Besides being fast, online applications also make tracking each candidate’s progress easier. Candidates can receive automatic updates on the status of their application, while recruiters can keep tabs on which applicants have been contacted and who are still in the running.

5. Assessment tests

Recruiters often use assessment tests to evaluate a candidate’s ability to think critically, solve problems and communicate effectively. The most popular ones are aptitude, personality, and skills. Aptitude tests measure a person’s ability to learn new things or to perform specific tasks, and personality tests assess a person’s character traits and preferences. Skills tests evaluate a person’s proficiency in particular areas, such as writing or programming.

Most assessment tests today are administered online. They are usually timed and have a set number of questions that need to be answered. Candidates typically have a limited amount of time to complete the test.

6. Video interviewing

Video interviewing is another way that technology is used in recruitment. It involves using webcams or mobile phones to conduct an interview, which can be recorded and stored for later viewing.

This interviewing has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it offers several advantages over traditional face-to-face interviews. For example, video interviews can be conducted from anywhere worldwide so that employers can reach a wider pool of candidates. They are also less expensive to administer than face-to-face interviews.

7. Mobile recruitment

Mobile recruitment – the use of mobile devices and apps to find and apply for jobs – is increasingly gaining popularity as more people switch to their smartphones and tablets for Internet access. There are numerous advantages to using mobile devices for recruitment purposes.


As technology in smart recruitment continues to grow, so does the need for organizations to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest developments. By staying abreast of the latest technologies, recruiters can ensure they are better placed to identify and attract the best talent.

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