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Business Owners Share Vision For Their Businesses

In this interview series, we spoke to a number of up-and-coming and established entrepreneurs and ask them about their vision for the future.
The question we asked them was – what will your business look like four years from now? This question can be a little daunting, but it’s important to think about the future and plan for success. Here are some tips on how to create a vision for your company that will help you achieve continued success down the road.


Deana Karim

Title: CEO/Founder


Given the economic state the last 12 months in the consumer market, I’ve had to slightly pivot.

I now see my company having expanded into more than just gluten free and keto baking mixes and frostings. I’ll be releasing kitchen items and bakeware, which is in line with the brand but also very different than what I’ve been doing the last 6.5 years! I also see my products expanding in grocery stores as the economy picks up post recession.


Marc Byrne

Title: Director

Company: The Fitness Factory Group

My business was started in 2008 as one brick and mortar health store, from 2008 – 2022 it has grown from 1 store to 4 stores, 2 warehouses, 1 manufacturing facility, 24 staff, 6 brands with 6 Ecommerce websites with offices in the UK and USA.

The business has grown from a little suburb of Liverpool to an international business serving customers from every corner of the globe. In 4 years time, I see the business expanding further into the USA, at present we have 1 website serving the USA with another just opened up this week – namely We plan to open a packing and line facility here in Georgia to handle and serve our USA customers, creating Jobs In a state that I have called home now for the past 3 years. We moved from the UK – USA only 4 months before Covid happened, so plans were put on hold for USA expansion whilst we navigated that, only now we feel we can really expand into the USA. Amazon would be the easiest and fastest way to growth, however our expertise lie in D2C ecom with SEO friendly websites, we plan to grow organically online


Brian Hong

Title: Owner/CEO

Company: Infintech Designs

There are many visions that you can plan to take your company to the next level. But you also need to consider if your vision is realistic and achievable within the timeframe you have set for it. Planning for the future is a crucial action, and for me, it needs more time to develop a plausible one.

As a CEO, I also take into consideration how this will affect my business in the long run, is my vision in the next four years, a good one or not? Will it affect everyone in my business, especially my employees?

How will my vision affect my customers and clients? Will they also benefit from it? I also need to make an action plan in order for this vision to be achievable and successful. I believe that a vision should not just only stay as it is, we need to make it happen. We need to be active and give our full cooperation to achieve it.


Alex Smith

Title: CEO and recruiting manager

Company: Luckybobbleheads


In four years, I want to expand my business internationally. The following are steps I’m taking towards achieving those goals: I’m looking for influencers in the markets. I’m interested in and building relationships with them long before I start expanding.

As this relationship develops, I’m considering whether they’ll be a good partner in our expansion or more of a mentor, assisting us in learning how to do business abroad. These connections will be crucial when I make the final leap. I’m also evaluating our capital. A long-term financial plan is required to be financially successful abroad. If you don’t have enough capital for the initial investment, think about where you’ll get it, and keep in mind that expanding internationally won’t make you money right away. I need to be committed for the long haul.

I want to understand language barriers and cultural differences. Entering foreign markets presents numerous challenges, with cultural differences being one of the most difficult. Not only might I need to change our marketing and branding to appeal to consumers in a different region, but if I’m opening offices, I’ll also need to think about office culture. Work/life balance in other countries, for example, differs greatly from that in the United States. Professional and personal lives frequently intersect in the United States, whereas in some other parts of the world they are kept entirely separate.


T.A. Jackson

Title: Manager

Company: PaternityGo

Looking ahead four years from now, PaternityGo will be the go-to mobile DNA testing service in Indiana. When people think of getting a DNA test (e.g., paternity test) four years from now, they will automatically think of calling PaternityGo for a mobile DNA test appointment.

Our reputation for privacy, confidentiality, and accuracy in DNA testing– coupled with increasing consumer need for at-home services and convenience– will lead to greater opportunities for growth. It is our vision that we will have a larger mobile service area that includes the entire state of Indiana and other states in the midwest.


Suzanne Bucknam

Title: CEO

Company: Connecticut Explorer

My vision for the future of my company is pretty simple, i want to continue you growing my message, giving a unique point of view, that helps my audience learn more about new and interesting places to visit and things to do.

This is a real passion of mine, so what i really want to see is my community to continue growing and flourishing, and that people find it a useful tool for all their travel needs. Obviously the more I grow it will be great, but right now, still doing something i really love is the number one priority, and i think a goal that many of us share.


Kevin Harris

Title: Founder/CEO

Company: NANBF

Where my business will be in a few years time gas been on my mind recently – when you first start a new business, it can be difficult to think about what will happen in the long term future, as you are working so hard to make your business a success in the here and now. But now that I have settled into the groove of being self-employed, I have formulated plans for the next few years, and have a firm expectation of where I will be.

As well as expanding my practice as a personal trainer on an individual, I want to make connections with local institutions, such as unique, so I have the opportunity to train teams of young, elite athletes. Reaching your peak fitness is one of the pillars that my business is built on, and I believe laying good foundations as a young person is the key to health in later life, so involving coaching more young people in my business is an absolute must. Additionally, I want to expand my business as a motivational speaker and life coach – fitness and healthiness encompasses all aspects of life, and creating a healthy mental environment is an important part of my business.

My professional mission is to help people reach their full physical and mental capability, so, in four years time, NANBF will have guided all kinds of people, from all walks of life, towards achieving this.


Max Hauer

Title: Founder and CEO

Company: Go Flow

I want to have every single e-commerce business out there benefit from the many advantages Go Flow has to offer them.

I want to see business owners streamline their e-commerce business with Go Flow and reap the benefits from having a smooth process. I also want to get feedback from a greater pool of successful e-commerce business owners so that we can see if there is a need for improvement or tweaks to the software.


Lisa Lane

Title: President

Company: Rinseroo-Lane Innovations

I am Lisa Lane, inventor and President of Lane Innovations, a 7 figure e-commerce business based in New Jersey. (Rinseroo Brand) I started this business 3 years ago at 54 years old. It was an ah-ha moment that made me into an inventor and entrepreneur.

Based on my age, my 4 year plan is an exit plan! I intend to work hard for the next 4 years adding line extensions, growing the bottom line and training my son to take over. In 2026, I want my son to have the confidence and ability to take the reins. In other words….pay me to go away!


Mandy Rowe

Title: President

Company: True REST Float Spa

“True REST Float Spa is focused on geographical expansion for float spas and sensory deprivation, but four years from now, I envision the float pod being a one-stop-shop for biohacking health and wellness tools.

Float therapy should be covered by insurance, which would give our communities a holistic approach to their mental and physical health that can be customized to fit their sensory needs. We hope to have a True REST Float Spa in all 50 states, float pods in every NFL training facility and a booming industry known by the masses.”


Mo’ney Roseman

Title: CEO & Founder

Company: Watch Me Work Sports

My name is Mo’ney Roseman, I am the CEO and Founder of Watch Me Work Sports, a centralized online recruiting exposure platform for underexposed athletes.

Watch Me Work Sports was founded with the goal of giving underexposed athletes a recruiting exposure platform at the highest level to find their homes as they continue to pursue their athletic careers beyond high school. The platform is completely free all day every day.

To answer your question, Looking ahead four years from now,
what is your vision for your company?

In four years, Watch Me Work Sports will be the top recruiting service partnered with high schools and colleges to be their direct recruiting pipeline. We will have a multimillion-dollar training facility located in Pinellas County / Hillsborough County, FL with multiple fields and gyms, mental health educators and therapists fully staffed, our own coaching staff for over 20 sports, teachers to tutor the athletes in their sports, educating them more on financial investments and stability when they sign NIL deals.

We will have accumulated a massive following and sponsored over 100 little leagues, high schools, and individual athletes who are underprivileged but have the talent and desire to pursue their dreams. We will have helped hundreds of athletes get the exposure they need to commit to the college that fits them best.

We will have a separate department that will handle beyond college recruiting as well to let athletes continue showing their talents. This department will assist with helping athletes get into professional or minor leagues such as the G-League, MiLB, XFL, or whatever their heart desires.

We will be one of the top three athletic wear brands competing with Nike and Adidas. Our brand will be affordable with a slick look.

We will be hosting a camps and clinics tour around the country to bring as much awareness to these athletes as possible. We will have a TV Network as well as a YouTube Channel and Podcast conversing with old school and new school athletes where they can be themselves and be heard.

We will have an international department that will help with international athletes’ communication, tutor by language, and assist with recruiting athletes from overseas.

We plan to be assisting athletes nationwide.


Thom Herrmann

Title: Chief Executive Officer, CEO

Company: Intuitive Health

“I want to take this [Intuitive Health] concept and bring it within 15 minutes of every household around the country. That’s not going to happen overnight, but really, that’s our long-term objective—to make sure no matter where you live, you have access to this more intuitive type of care.” “We’ve also broken it down to set a near-term goal of getting to the point where we’re treating over 1 million patients a year, and we expect that we’ll be at that pace by the end of 2024 based on our current opening schedules.”


Matthew Osborn

Title: CEO & Founder

Company: Legionary

There are a few different long term goals that I have set for my business that I want to achieve in the next four years, such as starting a newsletter, expanding my workforce, and even bring out a range of products. So, in four years time, I would like to have a team of thirty working below me, creating a comprehensive guide to personal protection, and be at a point where we are reviewing products before they hit the market.

We will be the first port of call for all consumers – and will be deep into the growth phase of the business. In addition to this, we will have transitioned from solely website based media, sending out a newsletter, so that followers can get all contemporary news from the tactical product field straight to our inbox. We will also have designed and manufactured our own range of products, combining all of the features from our best rated products, to give consumers something next level.


Carrie Schmidt

Title: CEO, Life Mastery Consultant, Author, Motivational Speaker

Company: Infinite SOULutions, LLC

My vision is to reach, teach, and transform over 1 million lives globally by helping to raise human consciousness and mental health awareness. We are at a pivotal point in our world today with so much uncertainty, pain, and suffering. It’s my passion to speak up, rise up, and make a difference in the world by empowering others to see past the egoic lens that clouds our minds.

The personal stories of struggle that I share in my newly published book entitled, “Behind the Screen. Uncover the Truth: Connect to your Power, Passion, Purpose,” will have a profound impact on so many lives. The supplemental coaching program, Master your Mindset & Heal your Soul is sold out for the next two years. I will need to hire 20 new employees to keep up with the expansive growth that Infinite SOULutions is experiencing.

I will be traveling all over the USA speaking to high school and college students about the power of their mindset and how to align with their soul’s purpose. I’ve successfully secured several corporate sponsorships that have helped with the cost of traveling and event planning. My team is hosting weekend Mindfulness Retreats 4X per year. Our membership community has grown to over 250,000 members who receive daily doses of motivation, access to support groups, mastermind events, and so much more.

I fulfilled my lifelong dream of being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey in her garden in Maui! That was one of the best days of my life and it has opened so many more doors of opportunity to promote mental health awareness. I’ve been featured in 3 TED Talks. I’ve secured a publishing contract with Hay House to complete my second book, Behind the Screen – part 2. I am so happy and grateful to have a greater influence on transforming so many lives through my books, coaching programs, retreats, and speaking engagements.


Katie Lyon

Title: Co-Founder

Company: Allegiance Flag Supply

In four years, I want incredible brand awareness. If someone is looking for an American flag, I want Allegiance to be the first name that comes to mind. We pride ourselves on our high quality materials that are sourced right here in America, as well as our American seamstresses who pour over every stitch and thread. I want their hard work to be recognized.


Steve Warren

Title: Owner

Company: Maps Over Coffee

My vision for my company may seem ambitious. But I am confident that these are attainable goals based on the progress I have already seen.

In 4 years time we will be location independent. I will have a diverse income from multiple websites. Right now, I am building up our outdoor travel blog. In the next year, it will generate enough income to be self-sustaining.

At that point I will be redirecting my efforts into two different categories: Starting a small ecommerce website. This will be selling some products that my wife and I make (she already has an established Etsy shop) until we can automate and outsource those processes also.

The second prong of the vision will be to create courses and a website that teaches other entrepreneurs to start their own businesses for the goal of location independence. This will be working in close conjunction with other entrepreneurs that have helped along the way. By focusing on ancillary topics, these courses will be helpful partnerships with those that have helped my business to get this far.

Within four years, my goal is to create a profitable business that is not dependent on my input each and every day. It will provide more opportunities for traveling for my wife and I while also supporting other small businesses and freelancers along the way.

In order to sustain that, the business will need to be pulling in the low 6 figures. This may not seem terribly ambitious, but our focus is on the lifestyle the business can provide for us and our team. Beyond that, we are not focused on any numbers as a metric for success.


Matthew Post

Title: Co-founder

Company: WCAG Pros

Four years from now, WCAG Pros have increased incredibly the number of businesses’ websites it has scrutinized to help become more accessible to those with disabilities. We will still boast our fast service and our people, the trained programmers, that remains to be the best among the ADA compliance experts who are satisfied and motivated to bring business owner sites into compliance. We also have a strengthened goal to give equal access for everyone by offering true accessibility – not just some automated tool or editing only a handful of pages of our clients.


Jacquelyn Kennedy

Title: CEO & Founder

Company: PetDT

Currently, my dog training business, and my website, at in their start-up phase, so, in four years, I would like to be more mature, and be deeper into its growth phase. Not only would I like more clients in my one to one dog training sessions, and my group training sessions, but I am also aiming for my website to become a one-stop shop for any pet questions.

In addition to general expansion of my business, I would like to create online courses, which are available for a small fee, so that everyone has access to my expertise from all around the world. In this vision of PetDT in the future, I am able to collaborate with notable experts in the field, such as specialized veterinarians, research/academic vets, and pet psychologists, so that clients know that they are getting the absolute best care possible.


Kirsten Rourke

Title: CEO

Company: Rourke Training LLC

n four years we are planning to have expanded our staff and transition contractors to full-time employees. Our main goal is to have built up an “Ongoing Mastery” community that provides education and support for online presenting and speaking skills. This would align with our online presenting academy training and private speaker coaching programs.

We are planning to have masterclasses with experts in storytelling, stagecraft, voice work, and other topics that would expand the skills of our members.


Esther Strauss

Title: Co-founder

Company: Stepbystepbusiness

See our company having grown into one that helps thousands of other entrepreneurs get started. We provide educational content for aspiring entrepreneurs, and I envision seeing new businesses emerge, helped in part by the information we provide. That has always been our vision.


Biana Lerman

Title: Owner

Company: Future Forward Life Coach

Future Forward Life Coach was created to streamline the goal setting process. This three-part system takes the information my client provides and guides them through identifying their goal and if it is viable in their current stage of life. We also touch upon what could hold them back from achieving it. After identifying where a client needs the most support and what their viable goals are, we assist in the creation of an action plan. This guide is filled with mini goals and milestones to move future forward in the right direction. Then, with a strong goal, and plan in place, we offer an accountability coaching program that acts like a support system for our clients.

In four years, I would like to share this effective goal setting program with corporations and schools. When it comes to educating students in effective goal setting, I believe that if more high school, college, trade school and graduate school students entering the working world understood the right way to set goals and follow throw with them, they will achieve these goals much faster.

When it comes to the corporate world, I have also seen a where employees are unsatisfied, over worked, and unmotivated to perform as efficiently as they once were. Employees no longer care as much for minor perks and benefits. What they want is to work for an employer that is as invested in them as they are in the company that employs them. By encouraging corporations and management teams to invest in the personal and professional growth of their employees, they will increase both productivity and retention rates, and work with more empowered individuals.

In four years, I want people to be happy where they are, and to know that, at all times, they are always working towards a goal to make them more fulfilled with their life.


Jamey McElroy

Title: Owner/Founder

Company: Dirty Bourbon Clothing

I’m Jamey, the owner and founder of Dirty Bourbon Clothing, a tattoo inspired clothing brand that highlights chronic and mental health symptoms and creates community around our shared experiences. In November 2020 I was struggling mentally and physically, but instead of letting the pain win, I decided to turn it into fuel and launched my company, Dirty Bourbon Clothing. Since then we’ve grown steadily, learning through trial and error and building community around relatable shirt designs.

In the next 4 years, my goal is to 4X our sales by growing the customer base and increasing our social media presence. I’ve had a few TikToks go viral, which really helped drive new customers, but I’d like to increase posting on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn as well to get our products in front of even more people.
More than sales though, I want to travel the country meeting our customers, staging pop-up events at tattoo shows and expos, and engaging with people again. I haven’t been to a show since 2021, and miss interacting with people and sharing the brand’s story in person. We have an amazing community on discord that’s been growing steadily, and I’d like to keep welcoming new people there. I imagine big Dirty Bourbon meetups or hang outs in different cities where we can all finally meet in person. The ultimate goal is in 4-5 years, Hot Topic calls because they see the value in the brand, and want to somehow work with Dirty Bourbon.


Warner Quiroga

Title: CEO/Owner

Company: Prestige Home Buyers

To enrich lives through real estate by serving others & giving peace of mind during the process of change. We believe in doing what’s right. We understand it can be challenging to decide to sell or not.

We believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to be provided with their best solution. So we strive to be that guide and give the solutions available to our customers by being straightforward and transparent about how we operate. It’s our goal to provide our clients a custom, personalized experience when they sell their house and hopefully create a lasting, meaningful friendship from the process. If there’s anything I can do to go above and beyond to make the process most accommodating to my customers, I am more than willing to do so.


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