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Choosing a Car color: the Most Practical, Safe, and Inconspicuous One

When choosing the color of the car, you want the car to be beautiful and to stand out from the crowd. But you have to consider the other side as well – dirty roads, the danger of theft, and bad visibility in cloudy weather. We figured out what color is the most practical, what is the safest, and what reduces the likelihood of theft.

What is the most practical car color?

The most practical car color is gray. It perfectly masks dirty streaks, chips, scratches, and even small dents on the sides. Silver has the same properties, but the brown dirt of primers is seen better on it. Drivers also call light gray the color of the car practical. However, such a car is not so noticeable to the human eye – at dusk and in cloudy weather, it merges with the asphalt.

What is the safest car color?

The safest color of the car is white. It reflects the most light. A white car is perfectly visible at night, at dusk, in bad weather, and in the shadow of the city’s tall buildings. White is the safest color of the car, according to statistics from insurance companies. According to paint manufacturer Axalta, shades of white accounted for 38 percent of all new cars sold in 2020 — not only the safest but also the most popular car color in the world.

Car color that protects against theft

Cars of purple, orange, pink, and bright green colors are the best defense against theft – according to statistics from insurers, they account for a single theft. The second place is taken by the pale blue, light green, golden, and beige colors, associated with inexpensive small cars. Such colors distract the criminals’ attention even from the premium Lexus, Cadillac, and Acura. Black, red, yellow, and bright blue cars are stolen more often. Take that fact into account when you contact Sports car rental Dubai

How to choose a car color for a vivid experience: red

Why choose:

Why you should consider it:

Green and brown: Practical and tranquil car colors

Why choose:    

Why you should consider it:

Yellow and Orange: Bright but discreet car colors

Why Choose:  

Why you should consider it:

What’s the best car color by all standards: blue

Why Choose:    

Why you should consider it:

How to choose a car color?

Be guided by your taste – there is no perfect option. To simplify the choice, we will briefly remind the advantages of popular shades. White is best seen at dusk and in bad weather, gray hardly noticeable dirt and scratches, black looks solid and respectable, red draws attention to your car, green and brown combine nobility with practicality, and blue and light blue make the car invisible to thieves.

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