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Great Tips for Getting Started at the Gym in 2022

If you’re thinking about getting started with working out at the gym, know that you’re not  alone! The gym can be the perfect place to break up the monotony of your daily routine  and to focus on your own wellbeing. There are many benefits to working out at the gym,  including improved mental health, better sleep, and increased energy levels.. 

However, starting anything new can be a little daunting, especially when it comes to  something like working out at the gym. Gyms can be intimidating places full of people  who seem to know what they’re doing, but don’t let that stop you from getting in shape! If  you’re feeling overwhelmed, just remember to take it one step at a time. Start with some  basic exercises and work your way up. Soon enough, you’ll be a gym pro!

Below are some great tips on How to Get Started at The Gym 

1:) Its ok to feel nervous 

The more you think about going to the gym, the more uncomfortable you may feel. It’s  easy to overthink things when they’re constantly on your mind, but it’s okay to feel  nervous when you’re first starting out. In fact, it’s a good thing! It means you’re pushing  yourself outside of your comfort zone, which is key for improving yourself as a person. 

You’ll slowly become more confident the more you go. Try not to overthink this one, just  go and have fun, if it helps why not take a friend or go and train with a gym buddy.

2:) Always ask for help 

Going to the gym for the first time can be daunting but remember that everyone was new  at some point! Don’t be afraid to ask for support from the staff or other members – they’re  there to help you. Asking for help can also ensure that you’re doing exercises that will  actually benefit you, rather than wasting your time on workouts that won’t help you reach  your goals. 

The gym after all is a social place, and many people will be glad to help and assist you,  you might even make a few new friends whilst asking.

3:) Free Weights are your friend 

Free weights are undoubtedly the best type of training weights available because they  require the use of other supportive muscles during the workout. This is ultimately a  better way to train because you’re using more than one muscle group at a time. 

One of the reasons people avoid free weights is because the area can be intimidating;  it’s easy to feel like you need to already be in great shape to enter that section of the  gym. However, everyone had to start somewhere – even the people who look like they  can lift a lot! So, don’t be afraid to ask around for advice and start small. Work your way  up gradually and you’ll get there in no time. 

Free weights are also great for use at home and can be one of the first bits of home gym equipment people purchase

4:) People love to share 

When you first start going to the gym, you’ll find that certain machines and areas can get  crowded and there may be a line to use the equipment. In this case, there’s usually room  for you to share the equipment with others. 

Getting to know people at the gym is a great way to stay motivated to work out. When  you see someone, you know, it’s a great opportunity to strike up a conversation and get  some tips on form or maybe even some workout recommendations. Plus, if you time  your sets right, you can work in between someone else’s reps and get a chance to rest  while they work! 

So next time don’t walk away from the equipment if its busy simply just ask if you can  jump in between sets.

5:) Failure can be good 

When it comes to success in the gym, we have all seen the memes and heard the  quotes that say it’s better to set your goals too high and then miss the mark than to set  your goals too low. This is because it takes time and dedication from working out and  having a good healthy diet in order to see results. So, set yourself up for success by not  giving yourself week or even monthly goals instead concentrate on several months at a  time and don’t overdo it. This way, you won’t get overwhelmed or disappointed if you  don’t see results as quickly as you want – remember, good things come to those who  wait! 

That being said at some point you will fail at something in life, the people that do good  from failure are the people who analyse and adapt so they don’t fail again, the same is  true in the gym, if a particular exercise doesn’t work for your do something else. 

A classic example is dips, dips for anyone with a big body mass and be pretty hard work,  if you can’t do them don’t risk damaging yourself instead, build up the strength with free  weights and bench work. 

6:) Don’t overtrain at the gym 

When you first start working out at the gym and generally speaking anytime at the gym,  don’t overtire yourself, make sure you don’t work too hard and not rest enough. 

The same is true for the number of days you go, don’t over train yourself at the gym and  don’t go every day, your body needs time to recover, believe it or not you can have a  perfectly good weekly workout from 3-4 x 1 hour sessions at the gym, yes only 3-4 hours  a week. 

The secret is to work multiple groups of muscle at the same time. 

For example: 

Day 1: Chest, Arms, Cardio 

Day 2: Shoulder, Back, Cardio 

Day 3: Legs, Core 

This list isn’t exclusive, you can also see I haven’t included Cardio on Leg day that’s  because leg day is a killer, and you will feel bad enough the next day from a good leg  workout.

The only real secrete to the gym is three simple things, Rest, Diet and Consistency 

A good tip here is to either do your leg day on the last day of the week so you have time  to recover (rather than limping around the gym), or if your really after big muscle mass,  to do leg day on the first day of the week, that is because you legs are such a big  muscle group, they will release a lot of testosterone which can be used over the  following days to improve you other workouts. 


7:) Be careful with supplements 

If you want to be an elite athlete, you need to put in the work – there are no shortcuts.  Having the basics down first is essential, and if you don’t have them mastered, you’ll be  wasting your time in the gym. You don’t need a lot of extra items on top of a healthy diet;  unless you’re training at an advanced or elite level, supplements aren’t necessary. 

A nutritious diet is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle and will help you achieve your  fitness goals, but it’s not the only factor. To be successful in the gym, you should also  have a regular and consistent training routine, a good sleep routine, and stay hydrated  by drinking plenty of water.

8;) Everybody has off days at the gym 

It’s okay to have days where you don’t feel like working out. We all have them. But  what’s important is to not use that as an excuse to skip the gym entirely. Even if you  don’t feel motivated, push yourself to go anyway. You’ll always feel better after a  workout, even if it’s not as intense as usual. Consistency is key to achieving your fitness  goals. Just remember that you won’t always feel like working out, and that’s normal. In  those moments, try to remember why you started going to the gym in the first place. 


The gym is not only a great place to improve your physical health, but your mental  performance as well. It’s also a perfect opportunity to meet people who have similar  interests and goals as you. Joining a gym can feel like a big step, but it’s worth it for all  of the incredible benefits you’ll experience. So don’t be afraid to go check out your local  gym today!

Meet the Author  

Dave Gorman is a Digital Brand Manager who currently runs The Home Fitness Store and The Carb Free Zone which provide exercise equipment and dietary supplements to the home gym market

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