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How to Install Outdoor Holiday Lights?

Are you going to put up outdoor Holiday lights this year? If so, it’s time to learn how to install holiday lights. There are many tips and tricks, but which ones will work best for your home and budget? Some are easy to install, while others take time and energy.

Before you can enjoy the wonderment of your outdoor holiday lights this holiday season, you will need to learn how to install them. It can be a little bit nerve-racking if you’ve never put up holiday lights before.

If you are short on time, always take the help of professional holiday light installers like American Holiday Lights who are the expert outdoor holiday light service provider in Lisle.

Here are some tips and insights we’ve gathered over the years on how to get the job done right.

Determine Your Lighting Needs

Before you start:

  1. Look at your yard and decide where you want to illuminate it.
  2. Determine if you want to use string lights or if you want to go with large bulbs.
  3. Make sure you have enough room for the holiday lights.

If you plan to use lights plugged into an electrical outlet, install them before you start decorating. You don’t want the wires running across your lawn or driveway when they’re not in use. Use wire clippers or a wire stripper if necessary to cut the excess length off each wire.

Choose Your Location

If you plan to put up lights outside, you should ensure that they are in good condition before you begin installing them. If they are not in good condition and need some work, this could cause problems when installing them into the ground.

Make sure that there is adequate space around where you plan to put up the lights so that there will be room for them when they are completed. If there isn’t enough space around where the lights will go, then things will be difficult when trying to get them into place properly.

Safety First

Your family’s safety is a top priority when it comes to holiday decorations. There are many things to consider when installing holiday lights.

First, make sure your children do not walk near the cords. If you have an extension cord, do not use it unless necessary, only for a short time.

Second, use only UL-approved outdoor lighting products made specifically for outdoor use.

Third, if you use extension cords or timers with your lights, ensure they’re UL-approved and grounded well so they don’t shock your family members or pets while they pass through the electrical lines.

For safety reasons, you should never attempt to install or repair any outdoor holiday lights unless you are a professional.

Plan the Layout of Your Lights

Another step in installing outdoor holiday lights is deciding what you want them to look like. You can do this in many ways, but there are two main methods: you can plan out how many bulbs you want per string.

Also, determine how they will be spaced out, or you can lay out your lights before you buy them.

For example, if you want to string five strands of Christmas lights along a trellis, each strand should be roughly 15 feet long and about 2 feet apart.

If you are placing them along a fence or wall, consider placing them in groups of five so that they’re easier to mount and less likely to blow over than single strands.

Choose a Light Strand Color Scheme

You can choose from a wide variety of light strands, but there are a few important things to remember.

In Summary

We believe that this installation guide was informative and helpful. It is noteworthy that installing outdoor holiday lights is a hard and complicated task if you are a novice.

There are numerous do’s and don’ts to ensure you have the perfect outdoor holiday light show. Still, we will leave you with one final tip: if you adhere to all of the above rules, you will have an outdoor Holiday light experience that will be a resounding success!

Whether you are putting them up for the first time or replacing your old lights after the last heavy wind storm, you will be ready to hang lights in no time. It’s a fun activity for the whole family—a tradition that will become a cherished holiday family heirloom.

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