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How to Support Sustainable Businesses & Help Them Grow

Businesses geared towards environmental protection all have their specialists. Some focus on creating sustainable products, while others spread awareness about potential hazards.

A sustainable or green business considers various environmental, economic, and social factors in its decision-making process. According to a 2017 Cone Communications CSR study, 87 percent of participants would purchase a product because a company advocated for an issue they cared about. 

When people support a sustainable business, it allows them to grow and motivates them to work harder. Here are some ways to push sustainable businesses to do better and help them grow.

Invest in Their Missions

Most sustainable businesses start their companies with a particular aim. Their goals can vary, depending on the type of business they operate. For example, some sustainable companies aim to reduce animal cruelty, some focus on diminishing unfair work practices, and others may try to reduce landfill waste.

Believing in a sustainable business’s mission allows them to do greater good since it allows them to grow and access better resources. Whatever the mission may be, you can support them by investing to help them grow. For example, Grounded People, a vegan shoe company, contributes to communities worldwide with its charity laces program that you can support as well. By picking laces that support the charity of your choice, you’re allowing both organizations to feel seen and supported.


Be Mindful of Your Purchases

If you simultaneously invest in a sustainable and unsustainable company, it can be challenging for the sustainable company to gain a competitive edge. Sometimes, people tend to prioritize one aspect of sustainability and overlook another side. For example, if you avoid using plastic straws when you order takeout, but you have a habit of using plastic water bottles every day, you’re helping and harming the environment simultaneously.

Being mindful of your purchases will ensure that you wholeheartedly support sustainable businesses and provide them with the opportunity to grow.  

Spread Brand Awareness

You can support a sustainable business by spreading awareness about their brand. Whether you’ve purchased a product or believe in the cause, you can help a business grow by sharing what you know about the business with your connections.

Use your social media platforms to share posts and advocate for the environment. You could significantly help a business grow when your connections notice your post if you have a broad reach.

The best way to spread awareness is by investing in the cause and encouraging others to join. Spreading awareness on social media allows you to reach a global audience, allowing further growth for the company.

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Communicate Your Expectations

If you’re not satisfied with how a sustainable business is operating, you can help them by providing honest suggestions. If the company accepts your suggestions, it will help them grow further while satisfying consumers.

Communicating your expectations with a business allows them to understand better what the general public is seeking. It may help them make changes they hadn’t thought of before, allowing them to relate to the target audience in more depth.

Supporting sustainable businesses can allow them to expand and grow, which can benefit the environment. If you find a business that promotes something you support, do your best to help them grow to achieve a more sustainable living environment.

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