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Phase 4 Proved The MCU Can Never actually End


Phase 4 was supposed to be the final phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After Thanos attacked Earth in Avengers: Infinity War, it seemed like all hope was lost for the MCU. But that isn’t the case at all. Phase 4 has proven that the MCU can never really end. The Russo Brothers have given us an experience, unlike anything we’ve ever seen in a movie theater. There is no telling where they will take our characters next or what new worlds they will explore. If you’re a Marvel fan, there is nothing more you can do but sit back and enjoy the ride.

The MCU Is Designed To Persist Forever

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a film franchise consisting of 18 movies, with more planned. It has led some fans to theorize that the MCU will never really end because if it did, the films would stop making money, and Disney would cancel the franchise. But now there’s evidence that this couldn’t be further from the truth.

In a recent study, computer scientists at Rhino Security Labs found that if you consider every possible outcome in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, then it would theoretically last for an infinite amount of time. It is because Marvel’s film universe is based on a “model of storytelling” called exponential storytelling.

This model involves building up a story over time and doubling down on your bets as you go along. For example, in Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos was supposed to die at the movie’s end. But instead, he survived and became a threat again in Avengers 4. As a result, Infinity War could be seen as only one part of an ever-growing saga with multiple endings.

So even if Disney stopped making MCU movies tomorrow, the story arc would continue because countless other potential endings could be created. In short, Disney’s Infinite Movie Universe may not be finite!

Phase 4 Confirmed The MCU Is Still Huge (Even When It’s Not Amazing)

Marvel Studios’ Phase 4 is underway, and so far, it’s been a bit of a mixed bag. Some big-name actors have been confirmed to join the cast, but there’s little news on the film’s plot. That being said, Marvel has released some new footage from Phase 4 that suggests that the MCU still remains one of the biggest films in Hollywood – even when it’s not amazing.

In the video, we see Spider-Man (Tom Holland) swinging around New York City in his new suit, Civil War II villain The Vulture (Michael Keaton) tearing through an airport with his jetpack, and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) engaging in hand-to-hand combat with another character. All these scenes look great on paper, but they’re nothing special compared to what we’ve seen before from Marvel Studios.

What makes this footage interesting is that it confirms that Marvel will be sticking to its guns and refusing to release films that are less than incredible. Phase 3 had its bad moments (Iron Man 3), but it was still one of the most successful film franchises in history. If Phase 4 manages to live up to expectations, then Marvel will have proved that the MCU is still huge – even when it’s not amazing.

Marvel’s Phase 4 TV Shows Obtained The MCU Out Of Theaters

Marvel Phase 4 TV Shows Brought The MCU Out of theaters.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is known for having a very expansive and interconnected storyline. It was first showcased with the release of Iron Man in 2008, followed by Iron Man 2 in 2010, Thor in 2011, Captain America: The First Avenger in 2012, Avengers Assemble in 2013, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 in 2017, and Spider-Man: Homecoming this year. With each new movie and T.V. series released, it becomes increasingly apparent that the MCU is much more than just a film series; it’s a multiverse of interconnected stories.

It was most prominently demonstrated with Marvel’s newest series, Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., which introduced audiences to the Inhumans and their world after they were forced to flee Earth following an alien invasion. While watching this show, fans quickly realized that there were other references to the MCU scattered throughout the episode; some were obvious, while others were more subtle but still appreciated by dedicated franchise followers.

It should be noted that not all of Marvel’s Phase 4 T.V. shows have been as successful as others. However, even those that haven’t been as well-received have still managed to introduce new characters and storylines into the overall MCU canon, which can only be good news for fans who love jumping between movies and T.V. shows to follow.

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