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Popular countries for IT outsourcing in 2022-2023

TOP most attractive countries for IT outsourcing

When compiling the rating, we considered the cost of development and the level of development of the IT industry in the region. After all, the tech stack that an outsourcer can offer you and the quality of the finished product depends on this.


According to the IT Ukraine Association report, the IT industry in Ukraine grew by 36% in 2021. In parallel, the number of developers has also increased (by 41k people). Today it is a country with a large pool of professionals who constantly increase exports of their services, developed IT industry, and more than affordable development costs. Depending on the technology used and the experience, Eastern European developers from Ukraine earn, on average, $54,000 per year or $28 per hour.


Poland is characterized by rapid economic growth, particularly in the IT industry, so using advanced technologies for your project is guaranteed. According to official data, more than 400k specialists are employed in the IT sector in Poland, which is growing annually by an average of 6%. Despite the high development quality, its cost still differs favorably from the western rates. The average hourly rate of Polish developers is about $31 per hour, and their annual income reaches $60,250.

Czech Republic

It is worth choosing IT staffing in the Czech Republic, if only because, according to the SkillValue report, it is among the top ten countries with the world’s best developers. Here are excellent conditions for obtaining technical education, a loyal tax policy, and all the conditions for developing the IT industry. Prices for developers from the Czech Republic average $59,000 per year or $30 per hour.


India is popular among consumers of outsourcing services due to the huge number of IT specialists – even in 2019, their number exceeded 500k. Customers are also attracted by this country’s low cost of developers’ services. An hour of their work is estimated at $20, which amounts to $38,000 annually. However, TOP IT outsourcing companies do not always agree to cooperate with developers from India because of the weak legal framework in the field of information security and frequent cases of low-quality services.


According to analysts’ forecasts, the volume of the IT industry market in China will reach $104 billion in 5 years. There are more than 7 million specialists in software development, and annually their number is supplemented by 4 million graduates of technical specialties. Not surprisingly, China fully covers its need for developers and offers software development services to other countries. At quite reasonable prices: an hour of programmers’ work costs about $36, which is a little more than $70,000 a year.

So if you are not afraid of communication problems due to language and cultural differences, China is definitely worth considering as an excellent option for IT outsourcing.


According to Hackerrank, Taiwan is one of the top ten countries with the best developers and is considered to be as much of a technological titan as China. Here they pay increased attention to the training of technical personnel and the development of IT infrastructure. As in the case of China, the language barrier may be a significant obstacle to hiring developers from Taiwan. But the problem may soon be solved – the country’s authorities are considering the possibility of granting English the status of an official language. The development cost in Taiwan is more affordable than for Chinese programmers: an hour of work here costs an average of $28, and the annual income is just over $53,000.


According to A.T. Kearney, the Philippines ranked 7th in the global ranking of the most attractive countries for outsourcing. More than 90% of the inhabitants of this country are English-speaking, which reduces to zero problems with communication. There are also STEM schools, which makes it possible to train qualified technical specialists. Another argument for IT services and outsourcing from the Philippines is the development cost. The hourly rate of a programmer is $15, and you have to spend $27,950 for a year of cooperation.


Brazil is commonly regarded as an ideal country to choose for novice developers on uncomplicated projects. This is explained by the fact that the IT industry of the state is only developing, although quite intensively. According to the forecasts of analytical company IDC, at the end of 2022, the growth in IT in Brazil will be more than 10.5%. As for the cost of services, an hour of work for a programmer from this country will cost, on average, $22, while their annual salary is $42,000.

Wrapping up about IT outsourcing

Onshoring and nearshoring certainly have their advantages. This is the absence of a language barrier, one-time zone, and cultural similarities of partners. But the search for developers from abroad is still a priority – it allows the customer to discover new opportunities and save a lot.

The article is contributed by the software development company Moqod

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