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The Most Expensive Car Repairs You Didn’t See Coming

Your car needs to go to the shop either for repairs or maintenance after a specific timeframe. However, car repairs aren’t inexpensive. Besides, it is common to pay a couple of hundred dollars when leaving the repair shop. 

So, it is wise to take proper care of your car through regular maintenance. That way, you can avoid costly repairs and keep your vehicle in good shape. Let’s dig straight into some of the most expensive car repairs.

Failures might prevail

Even with a regular maintenance schedule, different types of mechanical failures might occur over time. The mechanical failures not just cost you money in terms of expensive repairs, but cause issues with other associated parts that didn’t need to be replaced in the first place. 

Besides, regular maintenance should be conducted at reliable shops under the guidance of experts. Mechanics who have adequate knowledge about vehicles are likely to get into the problem quickly and resolve the issue fast. 

Is it worth fixing your car frequently?

Over time, machines don’t perform as they did earlier. And, that’s because of certain events such as poor maintenance, accidents, bad weather, and so on. Therefore, a time comes when a vehicle owner wonders whether or not to stop fixing the car.

So, is a car not worth fixing? Yes, it is but under certain circumstances. Several factors such as the vehicle’s age, cost of recurring repairs, and condition of the vehicle play a key role. Besides, if the vehicle doesn’t provide you with reliable transportation, it is best to scrap the vehicle.

Most expensive car repairs

Unless the damage caused to certain parts is covered under warranty, those repairs could be expensive. 

  1. Cylinder and engine

When you hear someone saying that your vehicle has major engine damage, you are in a serious situation. If the cylinders are out of order, the engine won’t run. And, you need to replace those components. It may cost anywhere between $7000 and $10,000, or even more depending on the existing condition.

  1. Transmission

When the transmission stops functioning, your vehicle comes to a halt even if you are in the middle of a road. Depending on the severity of the problem, the transmission replacement cost can be anywhere between $3500 and $5000.

  1. Suspension

Most people don’t consider suspension as an integral part that should be maintained regularly until when they feel bumps in the road. Because the suspension comprises several components, the average cost of repairs or replacement could be $2000 to $3500 and even more.

  1. Engine control module

The purpose of an engine control module is to keep your car running properly regardless of any situation. So, whenever there is an issue, the equipment shows you warning signs. But what happens when the unit becomes faulty? Sadly, in most cases, it must be replaced with a new one. And, that might cost you about $3000. 

  1. Camshaft

Debris and dirt tend to collect on the camshaft over time and cause the vehicle to underperform resulting in damaging the engine. Although regular maintenance keeps them clean, they will break eventually. And, the cost of replacement and labor can go anywhere from $1500 to $3000.

Hope that the article was useful for you and that you always check your car on time to avoid problems and costly repairs in the future.

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