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The Strange Titanic Movie That Reversed Jack & Rose’s Stories


The most successful and, therefore, the most well-known film version of the RMS Titanic’s catastrophe is James Cameron’s Titanic. Still, another one is recognized for how it failed, owing to its awful production, script, and major characters, who inverted the storylines of Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Rose (Kate Winslet).

Several films have been made on the Titanic’s sinking, but two stand out for their (excellent) quality: Roy Ward Baker’s A Night to Remember and James Cameron’s Titanic.

Through the characters of Jack and Rose, a third-class passenger and a first-class woman who fell in love and stayed together until the very end, Cameron’s Titanic featured a love story amidst the tragedy of the Titanic’s sinking, with Rose being rescued and Jack becoming one of the many victims of the Titanic’s tragedy.

Three years later, still riding the Titanic’s popularity wave, an animated recreation of the Titanic’s narrative was published, but it was a big disaster for a variety of reasons, and it inverted the stories of Jack and Rose in an unusual way.

How Titanic: The Legend Continues Affects James Cameron’s Film

Titanic: The Legend Continues is an Italian animated musical film written and produced by Camillo Teti, but it’s a weird version of the Titanic’s demise.

Angelica, a poor girl treated as a servant by her stepmother and stepsisters (similar to Cinderella), dreams of finding her mother, and a blue locket is her sole clue to her mother’s identity, and William, an upper-class Englishman who boards the ship with his maid and secretary.

A family of Yiddish mice, a rapping dog, a magpie, and a troop of Mexico mice are among the creatures aboard the Titanic’s cargo hold. As predicted, William and Angelica fall in love, and despite attempts to separate them, they remain together until the end.

Angelica makes it to a lifeboat while William appears to die after falling overboard and entangled in a rope. Still, he recovers and rejoins Angelica, who discovers that William’s maid is her mother.

Titanic: The Legend Goes On inverted Titanic’s Jack and Rose’s narrative by making William the affluent and Angelica the impoverished, and they share a physical resemblance to DiCaprio and Winslet.

The Legend Goes On also substituted a blue locket with an old photo of Angelica’s mother for the Heart of the Ocean. Instead of supporting characters who add to their tales, The Legend Goes On has an odd mix of human and animal characters that do more harm than good to the plot. The Legend Goes On also offered its version of Jack and Rose a happy ending, stating in an epilogue that they married and lived happily ever after, which Cameron’s Titanic’s primary protagonists did not obtain.

Why Did Titanic: The Legend Lives On Fail So Badly?

Titanic: The Legend Goes On’s tale is written, and its characters aren’t very fascinating, but its design is inconsistent and overall terrible, so it’s hardly a surprise that it was a massive disappointment.

Titanic: The Legend Continues has been considered one of the worst animated films ever created multiple times, and some critics have even termed it an insult to the Titanic’s memory. The Legend Continues failed to recount James Cameron’s film in a kid-friendly manner. It not only inverted the storylines of its characters but also had the opposite effect and legacy of Cameron’s film.

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