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Working Overtime: How To Decide If It’s Right For You

The Modern Workplace and Overtime.


Working extra hours is nothing new. It is considered to be an excellent approach to show your commitment to the organization you work for and your position at work. It also allows you an opportunity to get paid more or make up for missed work and time if you get sick.


However, working overtime is frequently too attractive because it can push you into a lifestyle where you fail to strike a healthy work-life balance.


Only when you are happy, enthusiastic, and motivated to work overtime will it be effective; if it makes you unhappy or you do not like it, then it is kind of a worthless action.


So, exactly what is it?


When an employee works longer than their regular working hours, it is referred to as working overtime. The majority of businesses will provide you with more money if you put in more hours than what was agreed upon. The quantity of additional you receive, though, varies.


Depending on the business and the work you do, this may change.


Some salaried workers won’t be entitled to overtime pay, usually if they make a salary. Your HR department will be able to explain this to you in further detail and how it applies to you, your position, and your function within the organization.


Is It Good? 


Is it beneficial? Really, it depends on your personal judgment and time management skills. Some people will hold favorable opinions while others will hold unfavorable ones.


It also depends on pay, look at CreditNinja’s view on overtime pay


The way it is handled will determine whether it is a good thing or a terrible thing. For instance, working long hours for little pay does not balance out, and you will find that your social life and mental health suffer for nothing.


It may be worthwhile to work additional hours if you are paid well and manage your time well.


Let’s examine the arguments on each side.


The Good Side!


What advantages does the employee receive? Well, you make extra money from the company, which may be much more than your typical hourly wage. You can increase your income and start setting aside money for holidays, birthdays, and vacations.


By doing this, you might also progress your career because it shows your commitment to the organization, as well as your dependability and drive for your work. You score higher with your superiors as a result.


We could also say that if you missed work owing to illness, you could use overtime to make up for the hours and, in certain situations, the pay you missed, lessening the financial strain of the circumstance.

It’s wonderful for employers since it eliminates the need to hire more personnel during peak periods, helps promote positive working relationships between employees and employers, and may even make employees feel more valued when they are paid more.


The Bad Side


There are many positive things to say, but there are also some drawbacks.


When you work overtime, as an employee, you should take breaks because doing so can reduce your focus and productivity as your working hours rise.


Working more hours might negatively impact your physical and mental health and make you unhappy at work. Working excessive overtime might also be risky, depending on your line of employment. Particularly in physically demanding jobs where health and safety are issues.


Additionally, a lot of extra work might be damaging to our social lives. When weighed against earning additional income to spend on activities outside of work, this could seem like a minor concern.

Losing out on social interactions and family time can lead to tension and mental health problems.


It can also lead to weariness in jobs that don’t require physical labor. No matter the job, working involves effort, and if you are working overtime or are otherwise spending more time at work than at home, you may be headed toward burnout.


Burnout is a situation when the body exhausts itself, which can result in a negative mood, exhaustion, health problems, and more.


Even though overtime benefits businesses, it can also result in higher overhead costs and lower returns if production begins to suffer due to burnout or a lack of focus.


Employers should expect to find a fatigued and worn-out staff, which is neither productive nor cheerful one if excessive overtime is done.

Is It Right For You?


So, should you try working overtime? You are quite welcome to do so, according to company policy.


However, be sure to adequately manage your overtime. Learn when to say no to your superiors and to yourself, and set yourself goals and boundaries.


Finding out when you are most productive is also helpful. Early birds may attempt to pick up some overtime earlier in the day, whilst night owls may be better at doing so at night.


When working overtime, be wise about it. Create a plan and stick to it. You can use it to identify the times when overtime will be most helpful to you, such as when you have important projects on the horizon.


You must also determine whether you really need the extra money. If so, working overtime may be preferable to find a second job. If not, do not overextend yourself in search of a little extra spending money.


Finally, don’t be hesitant to approach your superiors and inquire about any more work that has to be taken on. Consider whether they reward team members for putting in extra time; if so, your position and income may be improved in the future. You might be rewarded for your efforts.


Does it suit you? You are the only one who can make the choice.

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