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The Massive Transformation For Consumers And The Benefits As The Recession Looms

In business, there is nothing as constant as change, and one needs to transform with the changing times. Transforming your business for the benefit of your clients is very important, especially as we approach recession. We sat down with business moguls to discuss the massive transformation for their consumers and the benefits of this transformation as recession looms.

The question we asked them in this interview series was – What is the biggest transformation you provide your clients, and how do you facilitate this?


Vlad Khorkhorov

Title: Founder & CEO

Company: WebsitePolicies

Linkedin: n/a

We provide legal services to those that require a fast and affordable way of creating contracts, legal disputes and more. Especially during a recession, we will begin to see a change in how businesses operate, whether disputing payments for good and services or completely folding shop. We are here to help those that may not be able to afford the legal guidance from lawyers on the high street.


Ange de Lumiere

Title: Business Mentor

Company: Maison de Lumiere Ltd


I help entrepreneurs use the power of their intuition to make smart decisions in business. I bring to my work fifteen years of experience as a mergers and acquisitions lawyer, which means I understand the complexity of business. I am very grounded and practical. Intuition is not a skill that is commonly talked about in business and yet some of the most successful entrepreneurs credit such a skill as the ingredient to their success. But they are too busy being successful to teach others how to tap into that awesome ability. I am talking about Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey and, formerly, Steve Jobs. Oftentimes, and especially in economic downturn, the available data is unhelpful or not enough to make the right decisions in business. Businesses start to take less risks and let fear govern their decision making process. This is where businesses can start a downward spiral. The higher the VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) the more intuition helps weather the storm. In times of turbulence, the businesses that thrive are those who take bold risks. If you allow fear to fill in your business and your decision making, then you start a zero sum game. Fear and intuition cannot live in the same space. We are all intuitive but none of us have received training around our intuition in order for it to be understood and reliable. I studied intuition for fifteen years and know how to teach it to anyone who is willing to listen. In as little as three months, I teach my clients to trust their intuition enough to use it in decision making. This does not mean that they need to leave their business acumen at the door. In fact, if they can combine their business intelligence with their intuition, all the better. Intuition often gives us impulses to do things that do not always make sense. I teach my clients how to trust these impulses and act on them. Invariably, when they do, they get better results with less stress. Who wouldn’t want that?


Brandon Wilkes

Title: Marketing Manager

Company: The Big Phone Store


As a marketing manager, the biggest transformation I provide my clients is the ability to adapt their marketing strategy to the current economic climate. In today’s climate, it is more important than ever to be able to identify opportunities and capitalize on them quickly. My clients rely on me to provide them with the most up-to-date information and analysis so that they can make the best decisions for their businesses.
In today’s economy, a recession is looming and it is critical that businesses are able to adapt their marketing strategies accordingly. I am proud to be able to provide my clients with the tools and resources they need to navigate these challenging times. Together, we can ensure that their businesses not only survive, but thrive.


Jennifer Mazzanti

Title: CEO

Company: eMazzanti Technologies


We help organizations transform to remote and hybrid work models through technology.
For example, in our own office, we spread everything out, giving a lot of people space. And we let them invent it themselves. And what we are trying to do is create the atmosphere that is the best of their home and the best of a shared service or shared workspace and combine them together.

So, you get all the reliability of awesome internet access, printers that are nearby, the coffee that is there, people that will get the mail, and stuff like that and take care of it for them. We also design virtual conference rooms without any doors or walls. They feature a 70-80-inch screen that people interact with others and float in and out. They can stand as far apart as they want.

People can come and go as they please. So, we empower people to work the way they want to. We take this approach to our clients and adapt it to their needs

Earning employees’ trust and loyalty with a recession looming is key. Business leaders want employees focused on exceeding expectations to retain every customer as businesses prepare to pull back on spending. A hybrid work model gives a company more flexibility with lower overhead, keys to surviving a recession.


Caitlyn Parish

Title: CEO / Founder

Company: Cicinia


With the inflation we are experiencing right now, consumers are more feeling annoyed. Rising prices of products, gas price hikes, and many more affect the spending power of every consumer.

In my business, changing our marketing strategy from building and focusing on loyal customers to targeting new clients is now an adverse move that I made. I didn’t see a recession coming before; too focused and eager to gain more clients and catch a new audience is the goal of our current marketing strategy. I have realized that a loyal customer base is an asset in keeping up with the business during a recession.


Kasparas Kucinskas

Title: Head Project Manager

Company: Code or No Code


Amongst other things, we provide consultations for businesses that want to engage in digital transformation and improve their efficiency. We’re big fans of the No Code movement, which is usually what we recommend in cases like these.

Just a few years ago, automating business processes was a complicated and time-consuming endeavor. But now, thanks to the latest generation of No Code automation tools like Make and N8N, it’s easier than ever before.

Automating repetitive tasks can free up businesses’ employees, allowing them to focus on more interesting, important and engaging work. This can lead to increased efficiency and productivity, benefiting both the employer and the employee.

No Code automation can also help businesses to speed up their processes, especially when talking about repetitive tasks like data entry, emailing, customer support and more.

Businesses can even build AI-powered chatbots with tools like FlowXO to almost completely eliminate the need for basic customer support workers, focusing on keeping the problem solvers instead.

In addition, No Code automation tools can help businesses to save money by reducing the need for manual labor, they might even reduce the number of employees after automation and restructuring.

As a result, No Code automation is a powerful tool that can help businesses to prepare for a recession.


Eliana Levine

Title: Co-Founder

Company: FindPeopleEasy


The services offered by my company can help businesses improve their processes and ensure security. As a people search engine, we help clients do employee background checks, increasing accuracy and efficiency and reducing HR management time. Further, it allows clients to locate people and addresses who they want to contact for building business relationships. Additionally, we ensure enhanced security with the help of reverse phone lookup and address lookup to protect against phishing calls, scams, and frauds. So, on the one hand, I believe that our services function as a much-needed bridge for communication and building relationships. In contrast, on the other hand, it serves as the necessary security filter in the present dangerous times. When used correctly, our services can work as a networking tool and a protective layer for companies.


Ashley Amor

Title: Co-Founder

Company: PeopleFindFast


As the possibility of the upcoming recession is high, I am rapidly transforming my business and making it more customer-friendly. First, I have empowered my employees to make vital business marketing decisions themselves without notifying me and generate leads as far as possible. Now I use different methods to engage with customers and offer them personalized solutions at affordable prices. I have made significant improvements in products and services which will give more value to the target customer at a fixed price tag. Now my business is available at customers service 24* 7. The company’s digital transformation has helped me get 35% more business opportunities in the last six months.


Jeremy Luebke

Title: Founder

Company: We Love Land


In a recession, the biggest transformation I provide my clients is to help them find ways to make their businesses more profitable.

I’ve worked with many entrepreneurs who have been struggling to make their business profitable for years. When you’re in business for yourself, it can be difficult to know what’s going on inside your company, because you’re not being compensated for it. You may not even know how much money you need to make each month to cover your expenses and pay the bills—and if you don’t have that information, you might be making decisions based on other factors that are less important than what actually matters most: your bottom line.

That’s where I come in. I help my clients work through the details and figure out exactly what they need, so they can get back on track toward profitability.


Baidhurya Mani

Title: Founder

Company: Sell Courses Online


The biggest transformation I provide to my clients is the ability to quickly and easily increase their revenue by taking advantage of new channels.

As a marketer, I’m always looking for ways to help my clients reach their goals more quickly and easily. In this time of economic uncertainty, it’s even more critical that we do so—especially as many businesses have already reduced their marketing budgets in preparation for the recession.

By increasing our clients’ revenue through new channels like social media and paid search, we can help them focus on what really matters: generating revenue from their customers.

We can provide our clients with the tools they need to make smart decisions about how to invest their limited resources in order to be successful in today’s economy.


Abhishek Pakhira

Title: Chief Operating Officer

Company: Aureus Tech


The right tech investments today can improve efficiency and profitability tomorrow. When inflation is high, some CFOs enter panic mode. They look to dramatically raise prices or drastically cut costs. Technology that enables custom solutions to meet a company’s specific needs using AI and machine learning becomes a smart investment.

In law firms, for example, the average attorney today spends only 60 percent of their time on billable tasks. Considering an attorney’s hourly rate, the time lost going back and forth with clients, pouring through legal records and similar administrative duties is extremely costly to the firm. With AI, we can automate many of these non-billable tasks, making law firms more efficient and profitable.


Johannes Larsson

Title: CEO

Company: Johannes Larsson


Building financially sound entrepreneurs of tomorrow-

Ever since I started my blog, I’ve been educating my audience and clients on personal finance and money management which becomes more important as recession looms upon us.

Becoming an entrepreneur and becoming a successful entrepreneur has a fine line which is managing personal finance and cash flows correctly. And with the recession, the need for cash rotation is going to be much more important.

Therefore, I like to provide as many financial insights to my audience as possible. From multiple income ways to cut down costs in recession, there’s an ocean of financial knowledge entrepreneurs need to grab in order to stay afloat in the market.


Chris Mitchell

Title: Founder

Company: Intelus Agency


As a LinkedIn marketing agency, we help our clients transform their LinkedIn profiles and company pages into lead generation machines. After optimizing their profile, we get them traffic & leads by creating and posting content that engages their audience, reaching out to their target prospects, qualifying them with the right questions, booking meetings on our client’s calendar, and helping them squeeze all of the juice from the lemon by retargeting their website visitors to convert leads that would otherwise turn cold.


Marla Cormier

Title: President

Company: Emerging Leader Training


At Emerging Leader Training (, we specialize in training programs for high-potential employees, helping companies retain their top talent, develop and maintain an internal talent pipeline, and increase first-time leader success. Our business is developing leaders.

So what’s so transformative about training emerging leaders?

Today, every organization is challenged by three things: retaining top talent, finding new talent, and engaging existing talent. Investing in emerging leader training does all three. Let’s start with retention of top performers.

Great employees are the most likely to leave. They are knowledgeable, have the experience, and typically can find another position without too much trouble. They are a huge asset to their organizations which is why retaining them is a critical key to company success. When our clients provide our structured career development programs, their top performers not only gain skills and experiences to grow their careers, they feel valued by their leaders and their company. That feeling of being seen and valued results in higher retention of those employees, a benefit to their teams, customers, and the bottom line.

When it comes to finding new talent, many organizations report that by the time they make the job offer, the candidate has already accepted an offer somewhere else. To become an employer of choice, our clients differentiate themselves by sharing our career advancement programs as part of their recruiting and hiring process. They highlight the various learning opportunities that are included from formal training to mentorship, and one-on-one coaching to job shadowing. They’re able to demonstrate a comprehensive approach to helping employees reach their career goals. It’s a great way for them to stand out from competing organizations when it comes to hiring the best people.

Finally, engaging existing talent is a challenge for all of us. Between a pandemic, the Great Resignation, and countless other influences, employees are tired, burnt out, and wondering if it’s worth sticking around or jumping ship. One way to reengage your talent base is to provide meaningful training opportunities that show your investment in them not just today, but for their future. Our clients tell us that employees who are selected to participate in emerging leader training programs have a more positive outlook for the future of the company, are more willing to offer suggestions and tend to stay with their organizations longer than their counterparts who didn’t participate. In short, they appreciate the investment in their growth and development and to the support in building their careers.

We help our clients with their three biggest people challenges and couldn’t be more proud of the successes they’re experiencing.


Mark McShane

Title: Managing Director

Company: Birmingham First Aid Courses


The biggest transformation I provide my clients and why it’s critical now is that they can get access to information they didn’t have before.

Before, there was a lot of misinformation out there that made it hard for people to make informed decisions, but now with the internet, our society has access to tons of different sources of information about any given topic. This means we’re able to get the facts straight from the horse’s mouth, instead of relying on what someone else might have said or just assuming something is true because it sounds like it’s true.

With all this knowledge in one place, people are able to make better decisions about their lives and their businesses—and hopefully, it works out better than they would have had they simply been making decisions based on fear or ignorance!


Cynthia Halow

Title: Founder

Company: PersonalityMax

Linkedin: n/a

Hi Joe, my name is Cynthia. I may not be an expert in this field, but I run my own business. As such, I would like to share my insights on the query you raised.

The past two years brought many changes in the business landscape. Many companies have taken a new route. A lot of them went through the process of transformation. They have gone digital. The changes have been swift and radical. They’ve done them to match the pace and speed of technology. One thing that any business must be able to use to thrive, survive, and succeed.

There have been many aspects and facets to consider. It will depend on the size of the organization or company. Data, security, automation, and upskilling of workers are only some of the points to go through. The opportunities are vast and endless. Many have taken the leap from legacy to digital. By doing so, they are now empowered with improved efficiencies, and higher returns. Technology is going so fast and everyone needs to keep up. Be agile and learn more about what is happening in the world. The keywords here are migration, expanded learning, adaptability, and openness.

Thank you. I’m available to expand on my comment if you need it.

Cheers, looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Charles Cridland

Title: Co-Founder and CIO

Company: YourParkingSpace


Many businesses overpay dearly for the parking space that they offer to their employees and clients. helps businesses and individuals book monthly and hourly parking directly from the owners. This approach offers flexibility crucial for recession times. It is also a straight path to some savings in comparison to offers of traditional parking operators. Flexibility and savings together make the best recipe for the coming storm.


Melissa Jacobs

Title: CEO and Lead Strategist

Company: Crow & Pitcher LLC


Grow More By Doing Less

When times get tough and resources get stretched, it’s human nature to add to our plates. What else can we be doing? How else can we drive growth? But what happens when you try to do more? You achieve less.

The biggest transformation our clients achieve is saying no. Doing less. Focusing their efforts. And their limited resources.

We help business leaders step back to see the bigger picture. They get clarity on what will drive their business forward. Build focused plans they have confidence in. And then execute those plans with consistency.

Focusing limited staff and budgets on a few activities is critical now because resources are tighter than ever. The Great Resignation is limiting staff and expertise, so things take longer. Inflation is pressuring input costs across the board (the job market is impacting this too!). It’s a critical time to use limited resources efficiently and that starts with focus.

Saying no (or not yet) to good ideas that aren’t aligned to the critical few priorities is a power move that can unlock transformational results.


Andrew Cussens

Title: Owner

Company: Film Folk


We are equipping our clients, mainly videographers and photographers with the space, professional equipment, and technology to be able to service their customers’ needs professionally and at the same time, cost effectively. Our clients don’t have to worry about exorbitant rates for studio rents and equipment as we charge them a friendly freelancer rate for access to all the necessary tools of their trade. This transformation is allowing them to scale their respective businesses faster than if they had to pay for all of their work resources independently, especially in such a tough economic environment. Moreover, our clients can leverage our brand reputation to increase their reach across the target market without having to spend a fortune on marketing and advertising. The cost savings that our clients enjoy thanks to our business model are enormous considering the rising inflation and the looming recession that is unfolding.


Dan Barrett

Title: CEO

Company: Social Vantage


As a marketing agency, our number one priority is to ensure that every client has an engaging, consistent brand message. When you’re in a recession, this is more important than ever—you need to be able to sell your product or service in an environment where people are spending less on things they don’t need. By creating a distinct voice and image that speaks directly to the needs of your target audience, we can help you stand out from the crowd and build trust with potential customers.

In other words: when it comes down to it, all businesses need is a good idea and a way to get it out there. But what separates successful businesses from those that struggle is not just who knows what they’re doing; it’s about how well they communicate, which is why good marketing is so crucial for any company looking to survive in today’s market.


Dr. Autumn Thomas

Title: CEO-Founder

Company: Mud and Lotus Consulting


With uncertainty being the current concern for businesses in various arenas, Mud and Lotus Consulting provides the people, within an organization, the skills to get along. It is hugely necessary for people to have these skills right now. The humans in organizations need to be ready for anything, have flexibility to pivot, and communication techniques to resolve conflict.

Employee retention is key to growing businesses and keeping them stable. People rely on the workplace to be spaces that are reliable and stable. This is not just “wellness” this is restoring and repairing workspaces so people can function at high levels while riding out this recession.

We facilitate this process with restorative practices, which have been used successfully in different settings. It is a process where people in the organization are interviewed and are then guided through repair conversations and circles. The end result is a mutual understanding between leadership and employees on agreements and a path forward. Throughout this process we teach the skills for employees and leaders to facilitate restorative conversations themselves.

Our mission is to ensure that when we walk away, everyone is equipped to carry on the work without us. It works because it is not a process being done “to” people, it is a process being done “with” people. Organizations shape themselves throughout this work in a way that fits with their workforce emotional climate. It is a completely customized and humanized approach.


Logan Mallory

Title: VP

Company: Motivosity


The transformation that we provide for our clients is improving employee engagement. This is incredibly important now because employee engagement is at an all-time low, which leads to higher turnover, lower productivity, and overall lower growth rates and company revenue. Companies today simply can’t afford to keep losing employees, and our product helps them transform their workplace into a great place to work where employees feel recognized, appreciated, and part of the team through the power of employee engagement.


Mark Pierce

Title: CEO

Company: Cloud Peak Law Group


In light of the Great Resignation, more and more people are starting businesses, and we’re a law firm specializing in LLC formations. The transformation that we provide is legal protection, which in today’s unpredictable market, is more important than ever before. We help new entrepreneurs set up their businesses as LLCs to ensure that they’re fully protected and are abiding by all proper legal standards. This is critical in today’s market, as being fully protected can help you ensure that your business stays afloat in the face of legal challenges.


Ronda Brunson

Title: Founder, Visionary

Company: Project Restore Bmore

Linkedin: n/a

The biggest transformation I am currently providing my clients is homeownership. I am gifting them with the ability to accomplish this goal even in the midst of inflation and increased interest rates. I am creating homeowners daily.

In 2008 I began a for profit credit restoration company, Ms B Credit Queen LLC. Right in the middle of a financial crisis like nothing we had ever seen, but business took off.

Five years ago I started my non profit Project Restore Bmore which is an organization dedicated to helping minorities buy houses. The emotional impact of covid, the volatile housing market and the lack of inventory have made it quite difficult to keep potential buyers encouraged and focused. Through the nonprofit we create a safe space for those who dont qualify YET and create a strategy and pairing with other real-estate professionals to ensure that we accomplish their goal.

The way it works, the potential buyer heads on over to the website, where they select the realtor in whichever state they wish to purchase in. After they’ve completed their intake form, a coordinator reaches out to do a prescreen and pull a credit report. We study it and then schedule a zoom call with a lender affiliated with the program, the realtor they selected and myself. I call this “the buy in” This is allows us to connect visually and for the buyer to understand that we are here for your success.

We build buyers. We are assessing income and debt, creating new budgets, placing with accountants if necessary and locating any grant programs that may help close the deal.

As I say to my friends ” i create homebuyers everyday in this crazy market. What is your super power?”


Luke Lee

Title: Founder

Company: Ever Wallpaper


The biggest transformation I provide my clients is the transformation to a more efficient, effective team.

I’m a big fan of the idea that everyone can be an expert at something. I’ve seen companies train their employees to be experts in their own field, even if they don’t have any formal education in it. They teach people how to do things like troubleshoot issues, create presentations and reports, and work with data. These are skills that are highly transferable across different industries and professions—and it’s something that can only be learned by doing.

My clients have realized this, and so I help them find ways for their employees to learn new skills on their own time. We work together to identify which skills need to be taught, what resources will help them learn those skills best (like books), and how we can make sure they get the most out of those resources.


David Gu

Title: CEO and Designer

Company: Neutypechic


The biggest transformation I can provide my clients is a change in mindset. In today’s world, we’ve lost our way—and it’s not just about being more productive and efficient at work. We need to remember who we are as individuals and how to live in the world we’re living in.

Our days are filled with distractions and noise, but we still have to get through the day somehow. That’s hard enough! We need to find a way to be present for ourselves and for each other without drowning out the noise around us.

I believe that everyone has the capacity to make a positive impact on themselves, their communities, and the world as a whole. It starts with small changes that add up over time until you have a new outlook on life—one that makes your job easier and brings you joy!


Ann Colvin

Title: Brand Analyst

Company: Consumer Gravity


As a brand analyst, the biggest transformation I provide my clients is helping them to reposition their brands. This is critical now because as a recession looms, many companies are cutting back on advertising and marketing budgets. By repositioning their brands, companies can reduce their marketing spending while still maintaining or even increasing their market share. In addition, repositioning can help companies to attract new customers and tap into new markets.

For example, one of my clients is a luxury car company. In the past, they have positioned itself as a high-end, exclusive brand. However, as the recession has hit, we have helped them to reposition their brand as a more affordable, luxury option. This has helped them to appeal to a wider range of customers and maintain their market share despite the economic downturn.

In short, transformation is critical for businesses in today’s economy. By understanding their customers and adapting their brands accordingly, companies can weather the storm and even come out ahead.


Sabrina Palmer

Title: Consultant

Company: N/A


The biggest transformation that I provide to clients to help them streamlining their operations. By streamlining operations clients are able to do more work and add more value to their customers often with the same headcount. To facilitate this transformation, we have a 4-part process to deliver services that ensure our client success. Each step in the process can stand alone, or they can be modified to meet our clients’ objectives. We also support the transformation with change management to ensure any return on investment that depends on people (the client’s staff and stakeholders) is achieved.


Brianna Regine Walston

Title: Founder & CEO

Company: Brianna Regine Visionary Consulting (BRVC)


BRVC’s main goal is to help our clients thrive with our creative strategy and operations management services. Many of our clients are solopreneurs or companies with a small staff; and therefore, seek support that brings their idea(s) to life. It may sound kind of mystical, but being able to turn an idea into a tangible and sustainable brand that positively impacts others is a heavy lift. Our well-rounded services, consultative model, and strategic approach allow us to elevate the profile of our clients from the inside-out. For example, if a client’s priority is gaining awareness in the media, we craft and implement strategies that focus on pitching tactics, but also ensure branding and marketing initiatives are in place to complement our efforts, and in order to maximize the client’s ROI.

In a looming recession, it’s important for businesses to be intentional about how they’re strategically going after goals that will maintain their longevity and scalability. From an internal standpoint, business systems and processes improve business efficiency and are essential to survival; they also set the blueprint for expanding a team. Externally, implementing a well-rounded marketing and communications strategy – that positions you as a reliable solution to the problems of your target audience (especially as they, too, navigate the recession); focuses on building awareness to get new customers; and nurtures your audience so they can advocate for your brand – is equally important.


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