“Hvtimes” would like to let you know about the care and caution We exercise to ensure that Our material is accurate in accordance with Our Fact-Checking Policy.
Fairness in all of Our Content
The most crucial factor for every journalism platform is the audience’s trust. Accurate, fair, and balanced reporting is the only foundation upon which trust can be built and maintained. It is crucial that We continue to be dedicated to achieving appropriate accuracy in all of Our material to the greatest extent possible. According to our definition of “due accuracy,” accuracy must not only meet the required norm but also be satisfactory overall.
In our pursuit of proper accuracy, we also take into account other factors including the topic and nature of the material being presented, the audience’s expectations, etc. In every news item, we work to present the most accurate account that is supported by the news’s immediate stakeholders. We skeptically examine statements, query presumptions, and contest received wisdom.
Despite our best efforts to clear them up, there will always be certain areas of confusion. The standards for fact-checking information for both soft and hard tales vary, nevertheless. For instance, the sources needed for a piece about an NGO’s accomplishments would be different than those for an investigative story.
In furtherance of Our intent expressed above and Our pursuit to be the most reliable platform through which people get news and information on issues that matter the most, We have adopted the following principles: Be a neutral platform that facilitates dialogue and enables people from different backgrounds and political inclinations to come together, discuss and solve issues that matter most.
In furtherance of Our intent expressed above and Our pursuit to be the most reliable platform through which people get news and information on issues that matter the most, We have adopted the following principles: Be a neutral platform that facilitates dialogue and enables people from different backgrounds and political inclinations to come together, discuss and solve issues that matter most.