Some investments are intended to be held for a time, and then sold once they have generated a reasonable amount of returns. Others are intended to be held for years, and possible decades, as a means of providing ongoing income. As someone who started out with nothing and has become a success in more than one line of business, Simon Kronenfeld understands the wisdom of including both kinds of holdings in a financial portfolio.
Looking to the future, what sort of long-term investment should you consider to go along with the ones that you hold for a short time? While there are many suggestions offered by a number of experts, here are a few sectors that successful people like Simon Kronenfeld choose as key elements in their investing activity. One or more of them may be perfect long-term investments for you.
Real Estate Remains a Great Investment
While it’s true that real estate holdings can fluctuate to some degree, they tend to perform well in most economic situations. As a real estate professional himself, Simon Kronenfeld believes that a holding of this type can be flat for a time, and maybe even decrease in value slightly for short periods. If you are in a position to ride those shifts out, there’s an excellent chance of regaining any losses, and enjoying returns once again.
Look closely at the nature of the real estate investment. You may be happy with the balance between returns and risk that apply to residential properties. On the other hand, you may find that holding commercial properties in areas that are anticipated to experience a lot of growth over the next couple of decades is perfect for your investment planning.
Alternative Energy is Worth Considering
There’s nothing new about alternative energy, which is actually a good thing. According to Simon Kronenfeld, investors interested in this type of investment now have two to three decades of history to help them understand what to expect. In particular, the prospects for solar, wind, and other forms of alternative energy have never been better than today.
Do consider stocks and other holdings that have to do with alternative energy. As more businesses and individuals seek to reduce their footprints on the environment, returns on these kinds of investments are likely to increase. Now is a great time to get in on this type of investment, especially if you can afford to hang on to them for the next couple of decades. You can bet that those who work in real estate, like Simon Kronenfeld, understand how alternative energy will fit in with their work in the years to come.
Precious Metals Remain Popular Over the Long Term
Precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum have been excellent long-term investments for longer than many people realize. One benefit that they bring to the table is that precious metals tend to perform well, even when other types of holdings may be losing ground. It’s true that they can occasionally experience slumps, much as they did for a few years in the latter two decades of the 20th century. The good news is that they recover and remain reliable strategies for building wealth.
There are a number of ways to invest in precious metals. Stock in mining companies is one long-term approach to consider. Holding gold or silver in nations where ownership of bullion is legal is another possibility. Stocks related to companies that deal in products made using precious metals is also something to consider. As Simon Kronenfeld does with his investments, evaluate each option carefully and project what type of return it’s likely to produce.
Investments in e-Commerce Platforms
There’s no doubt that e-commerce is here to stay. Those who invested in emerging online retailing a quarter of a century ago are enjoying excellent returns for their stock in successful sites. As Simon Kronenfeld points out, it’s not too late for you to get in on the action.
Do look closely at sites that have proven to remain innovators in this field, and that produce ongoing returns for their investors. It never hurts to be aware of new sites that are the brainchildren of those who created other successful sites. One or more of those may be something that you, along with Simon Kronenfeld, would want to add to a portfolio.
Technology Continues to Produce Dividends
Technology is also a safe bet when it comes to investing. Professionals like Simon Kronenfeld would challenge you to identify an aspect of life that has not been touched with technological advances over the most recent decades. It would be difficult for most, and impossible for some.
Consider how technology provides advances that lead to new products, improved older ones, and a consistent demand among consumers. An investment in the right technology company would set you up with a consistent income for the rest of your life.
As with any type of investment activity, professionals like Simon Kronenfeld would counsel you to find out everything about the opportunity under consideration. Consider the past performance, how well the investment did during economic downturns, and what sort of return you can expect over the next decade or so. If you believe it has the potential to remain a part of your portfolio for a long time, and the ability to provide a reasonable amount of returns for the risk involved, then you know what to do next.