The company launched Realme 9i in India today. The most recent Realme device is an improvement over the Realme 8i, which appeared in 2021. The two biggest differences between the Realme 9i and the model from last year are its Octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 680 SoC and rapid charging at 33W. In addition to the triple cameras on the phone’s back, it also has two stereo speakers. But the Realme 9i is a step down from the model that was introduced last year; the Realme 8i had panels with a refresh rate of 120Hz. The Redmi Note 10S and Samsung Galaxy M32 are expected to compete with the Realme 9i. The superior model is expected to compete with the Redmi Note.
Realme 9i Price and availability
The 4GB basic RAM and 64GB storage edition of the Realme 9i is priced at Rs. 13,999 in India. A 6GB plus 128GB model is also available, with a suggested retail price of Rs. 15,999. It comes in the colors Prism Black and Prism Blue. Starting on January 25th, it will be on sale. Additionally, it will be sold on Amazon, Flipkart,, and other local offline retailers. On January 22, there will also be an early sale that will only be accessible through Flipkart and