One Piece Odyssey takes place on the enigmatic island of Watford, although it still has connections to the larger One Piece manga universe. Odyssey, which includes a tale written by series author Eiichiro Oda, stands out among One Piece games not just because it is a Dragon Quest-style JRPG but also because it has an original scenario that yet adheres to the main plot of the original novel.
Only One Odyssey has received accolades for its storytelling, which heavily borrows from manga and revisits several important plotlines, like Enies Lobby and Marineford. However, the game’s primary location is wholly distinct: the island of Watford, where the Straw Hats find themselves stranded and separated at the beginning of the game. It’s a choice that makes sense for a game that wants to create a story different from the source material since it allows for less baggage and more organic gameplay development. Watford has intriguing connections to the vast One Piece universe, even though they made it to benefit the Odyssey’s plot.
One Piece Odyssey Utilizes The Worldbuilding From The Main Series
Watford, a former Sky Island with additional connections to Weatheria from the original manga, draws heavily on major worldbuilding features from the original series, as revealed in-game. Watford, closely linked to the new One Piece Odyssey characters Adio and Lim, is brought to the surface hundreds of years before the game’s plot due to a significant conflict involving Adio’s ancestors. The notion that Adio’s people experimented with weather technology may have contributed to the island’s demise is supported by additional information, such as the Weather weather vanes found across the island.
Because of Watford’s history, the island is a true one-piece locale.
Many of Watford’s secrets are placed outside the main story, relegated to side missions, exploration, and conversations with Robin, despite Watford being essential to the game’s storyline and serving as the primary setting outside memory arcs. Locations from the original series feature extensive worldbuilding, so Watford’s connections to Sky Islands & Weather make it clear that it gave Odyssey’s place in the story a fair amount of attention and care. However, since the Odyssey story to heavily based on the anime, Giving the island a thorough background allows it to naturally integrate into One Piece’s greater world.
Odyssey takes painstaking steps to merge the series’ substantial worldbuilding into Watford, making it a location with a tangible history that fits nicely into the franchise’s main plot. As a result, it is far from being a casual addition slap onto the world of One Piece. One Piece Odyssey uses the Sky Islands and Weather to play to one of the series’ strongest features, giving the island of Watford a solid, realistic place in One Piece’s New World.